Contact Us

Feel free to reach out to us for any general questions and inquiries, or if you are interested in custom prints not currently available in our store!

Bring Your Project To Life!

If you got an idea or project in mind, we've got the printers and expertise to bring it into the real world!

FDM 3D Printing

Affordable, High Quality

Bring your designs to life with our fleet of highly customized, tuned, professional FDM 3D printers. Prices start at just $0.10/gram + $30 set up fee.

FDM 3D Printing

Wide Material Range

Whether you're a hobbyist looking to print in PLA or industry looking for engineering grade ABS, PETG, Nylon, TPU or carbon fibre filaments, we got you covered.

FDM 3D Printing

Go Big or Go Home

With printers capable of printing a single object up to 120cm in height, the assembly process is hassle-free and simple. Message us for your next project!